Man Buys Single Hot Pocket In Saddest Grocery Run Ever
Sanders chose the Pepperoni Pizza variety for what has been deemed by many as the most depressing grocery store run of all time.
Sanders chose the Pepperoni Pizza variety for what has been deemed by many as the most depressing grocery store run of all time.
Carmen, who, it must be stressed, absolutely sucks, has asked this infuriating question to every single one of his fellow workers.
“Oh, we could totally stay on the tree all fall and winter,” one of the leaves claimed as it sat among a few thousand of its friends in the middle of your lawn. “We just really enjoy playing those head games with you,” said the yellow leaf. “It’s a coordinated thing. The first wave is
Local dad and Christmas light purchaser David Streamland has shocked neighbors and economists alike by managing to only spend $500 to prepare his Christmas light display for the year. Streamland, who has spent upwards of three times that amount in previous years, claims that by re-using old lights, and not decorating parts of the house
Local grandfather Harold Andrews has announced today that he will now exclusively send text messages in which all the words are completely capitalized. In a release texted to reporters, Andrews typed, “I WILL NOW ONLY TEXT WITH CAPITAL LETTERS, AS IT IS EASIER TO JUST HAVE CAPS LOCK ON AND THE BIGGER LETTERS ARE BETTER