The 7 Best Pranks From The Office
Between 2005 and 2013, The Office entertained millions of Americans with its outlandish characters, relatable office-based story lines, and, of course, some of the best hi-jinks and pranks ever seen on television. And as much as dads loved The Office, they really loved the pranks on The Office. So we’ve gathered seven of the greatest antics from this beloved show, and asked one of our resident dads to rank them.
Jim Puts Dwight’s Stapler In Jell-O
This is the first prank you see in the entire show, and for that it earns a spot here. It’s genius for its simplicity and its ridiculousness. Just the thought of taking a stapler, suspending it in Jell-O, letting the Jell-O set, and then putting it back in Dwight’s desk is priceless.
Jim Convinces Dwight That It’s Friday (On A Thursday)
This is both a great prank, and a dad’s greatest fear. Jim, with some help from around the office, manages to convince Dwight that it’s a Friday…on a Thursday. Making him skip work on Friday, because in his mind, it has to be Saturday. It’s a pretty diabolical prank, essentially robbing an entire day from Dwight. The real question to ask is, what happens when he tries to go into work on Sunday?
Jim Conducts Pavlov’s Experiment On Dwight
“Pavlov’s Dogs” was a simple experiment about conditioning by Ivan Pavlov. Dogs would salivate when presented food, so every time he presented food to the dogs, he would ring a bell. Eventually, he was able to cause the dogs to drool just by ringing the bell, even without any food present. Anyway, this prank was just like that, only instead of food, Jim used Altoids, and instead of a bell, Jim used the noise of his computer turning on, and instead of a dog, well, you had Dwight. Dads can respect this one because of the sheer time commitment to the bit.
Asian Jim
Getting an actor friend to pretend to be Jim is a chuckle-worthy prank, but what really ramps this up is the attention to detail. He comes in with Jim’s water bottle. They’ve photoshopped him into family photos. He even kisses Pam when he greats her. Just pure dedication to the craft, you’ve got to respect it.
Jim Impersonates Dwight
Dads can appreciate a great costume, and Jim’s Dwight impersonation got Dwight down to a T. This is the closest thing The Office ever had to all those times where dads embarrass their kids by re-enacting their Instagram photos.
Dwight Terrorizes Jim With Snowmen
Just because almost all of the good pranks were pulled off by Jim doesn’t mean that he didn’t sometimes taste a bit of his own medicine.
After Jim took a snowball into the office to hit Dwight with it, Dwight enacted his revenge during the next snowfall by terrorizing Jim with constant surprise snow ball attacks, all culminating with setting up an army of snowmen in the parking lot and watching Jim finally lose his mind. This one is purely diabolical, but also one that your dad couldn’t stop laughing at.
And finally, dad’s favorite Office prank of all was…
Jim Puts All Of Dwight’s Office Supplies In The Vending Machine
This is a beauty of a prank, both in terms of concept and execution. Taking all of Dwight’s things and putting it in the vending machine was hilarious. But giving him a bag full of nickles so he can slowly but surely buy back all of his items is what truly takes this to the next level. If your dad had the ability to open a vending machine, this is the exact prank he would do. It’s an all-time great prank, from an all-time great show.