It was announced recently that Tom Hanks, our nation’s dad, has been tapped to play Mr. Rogers in a movie. Obviously we here at Classic Dad are thrilled with this news, and will no doubt write about the movie as soon as it’s released.
But are all dads excited by this development? We decided to ask a dad, and here was his response.
“What? Of course that’s going to be great. Tom Hanks is great in everything! Didn’t watch that Philadelphia movie, seemed too glum, but did you see him in Forrest Gump? I loved that movie! The soundtrack was great, let me tell you. It had all the classics. Simon & Garfunkle. Creedence Clearwater Revival. Lynyrd Skynyrd. Come on!
Wait, where was I? Oh right, Tom Hanks. Now I’m sure he’s going to do a great job, and I’d love to watch a movie about Mr. Rogers. It’s about time. Now that man was a role model. War hero too, not a lot of people realize that. So yeah, I’m looking forward to that movie. My only concern, and it’s the same problem I have with George Clooney, is that a lot of the times you see a famous actor play someone else, and you just keep thinking ‘oh that’s this famous actor’ and it takes you out the movie a little bit. Hopefully that’s not the case with Mr. Hanks in this one.
Am I going to watch it? Absolutely! I’ll probably wait a few weeks though. Let the crowds die down a little, you know.”
Well there you have it. Dads are officially in support of Tom Hanks playing Mr. Rogers.