Years after Girls Gone Wild and social media have guaranteed that photographic evidence of your most illicit moments are a constant threat, young people today have no idea that there was once a time when what happened at Spring Break truly stayed at Spring Break.
Well, sit back in your DeLorean, because it’s time to go back to the 1980’s, the best decade Spring Break ever saw. To the college kids out there now, if someone says, “It’s not your Father’s Spring Break,” you should know that you’re being insulted.
First off, the 1980’s were a perfect storm for week long debauchery between winter and summer. Remember, this is when 21 became the national drinking age, meaning this is the first decade when college students nationwide became legal together.
Also, on the intoxication front, this is also the decade when coke was at its most popular, and I’m not talking about the Cola Wars.