Homer Simpson
The Simpsons
“The Town”
The Best Classic TV Dad Move of 2016 has to go to Homer J. Simpson. A Top Tier Classic Dad, he brings home the top spot this year to remind everyone why he has always been a pillar of TV Dads. In the Season 28 Episode “The Town,” Homer begins raging over how much he hates a team that is “NOT” the New England Patriots, only to find out that Bart is a huge fan.
He takes the whole family on a hate-cation to show them why Boston is a town of pure evil…except they all fall in love with the city, including Homer, and all end up moving to Bean Town! Can’t get a bigger Dad move then when Dad actually moves the entire family. A literal Dad Move based off of football rage in order to teach his son a lesson. How much more Classic Dad can you get?