John Faris, a 46-year-old father of two in Oak Brook, Illinois, was recently spotted in the passenger seat of his 2012 Ford Taurus, barely concealing his pure unadulterated terror while teaching his 15-year-old son how to drive.
“Now, keep your eyes on the road and OKAY BRAKE HIT THE BRAKES,” he was heard shouting as his son, Eric, nearly ran a stop sign on a residential street with relatively little traffic. “You, uh, no you’re doing fine, just you got to be careful,” Faris added while softening his death grip on the dashboard.
Faris somehow managed to avoid screaming in fear throughout the entire driving lesson, which included two near-misses of parked cars, three instances of the car rolling over a curb during a turn, and violent jolts every time Eric pressed the brake. “Alright, great job, son. We’ll try this again tomorrow,” Faris said at the end of the day, somehow managing to mask his deep dread at the thought of another lesson.