Completely unaware of the fact he no longer looks, dresses or acts in a way anybody would deem “cool,” 48-year-old man Mark Gleason recently proclaimed how “with it” he still is.
“Dude, this shirt is totally cool,” he said, regarding his flannel button-down from The Gap’s 2011 collection. “I’m like some kind of lumberjack hipster.”
Gleason’s kids have tried to inform of his lack of coolness, to which he simply responds that they’ll understand when they’re older.
“Look, you guys are still in high school, but once you get a little experience in the real world, you’ll see that having a steady job and driving a Subaru is pretty darn cool,” he explained. “Now who has two thumbs and is ready for dinner? This guy!”
Written by the good folks at Bandolier Media.