In an attempt to resonate with the modern dad, Apple has announced the launch of a new, exciting addition to their line of smartphones. After years of research. they have developed the iDadPhone, which is just a Razr flip phone painted white with an Apple logo on it.
Apple CEO Tim Cook heralded the iDadPhone, saying, “For years, dads have been complaining about the functionality of our smartphones. The keyboard made it hard to type. The font was too small. There were too many doohickies, and they remember when phones didn’t have to be complicated. Well, we hear you, dads. That’s why we developed the iDadPhone, which will take you back to a simpler time. Specifically, about 2005.”
The Apple iDadPhone starts at $499 for the standard version, or they can get the $599 deluxe version that still lets them use Google Maps, and each purchase comes with a nifty phone holster for dads to put on their belt.