Kevin Benson recently walked into the living room to find his dad, Steve, watching Shawshank Redemption on TNT. According to the elder Benson, he simply can’t help himself.
“Any time it’s on TV, I have some weird compulsion to watch it all the way to end,” he said. “I’ve missed football games. I’ve been late to dinner. There’s just something about that movie that makes me need to watch the whole thing.”
This marks the 24th time Benson has seen the film, based on a Steven King novella.
“Each time Andy makes his escape, I think ‘whoa, that was close!’ And then the final scene where Red finds him on the beach working on that old boat…I mean, I don’t cry or anything,” said Benson, shaking his head. “It’s a great movie, is all. They don’t make them like that anymore. Between that and Die Hard, I could pretty much watch those on rotation and be done with it.”