5 Dad Hacks You Should Probably Know About
Dads are like magicians — they ruin every birthday party. Wait, no, let’s try that again.
Dads are like magicians because they know how to turn seemingly ordinary objects into dozens of useful things. The reason why dads love MacGyver as much as they do is because they’re all MacGyver themselves. Here are some dad-approved hacks that prove it.
Make Your Trash Bags Easy To Take Out By Drilling Two Holes

from acultivatednest
You know how hard it can be to yank out a garbage bag from the can when it’s time to take out the trash. When the bag is full, it’s a nightmare. You can clear out any suction issues there by simply drilling two holes (that’s all it takes) next to each other towards the bottom of the can. The next time you’re stuck with an overloaded garbage can, you’ll thank us.
Use A Beer Tab To Save Closet Space

from lifehacker
You can do more with a pop’s tab than just put them in a collection cup to donate to charity in Elementary School somehow.
You can double the space in your closet! Just stick one loop over the top of one hanger, and hang another through the bottom loop, and you can get two articles of clothing for the price of one. We’d recommend you do this for shirts and pants that go together, but go nuts, use it however you want.
Fold A Post-It Note While Drilling To Catch Debris
When you make a hole in a wall, that chunk of wall has to go somewhere. Normally, that’s the ground. If you want to save yourself some annoying cleanup, you can always take the slightly-less-annoying (only slightly) step of folding up a Post-It note and sticking it on the wall under where you drill.
Once you’re done, you can just toss the note and be on your merry way.
Use Bread As An Eraser

from luxurykids
Okay, so not all of these are sexy. But, yeah, if you scrunch up bread really tight you can use it as an emergency eraser. That’s pretty cool, right?
Use A Potato To Remove Rust
This one is slightly more sexy than the bread eraser (only slightly), but at least it’s much more useful. Dads hate rust, but they also having to “go to the store” to “buy some chemical” when they’ve got a perfectly good 5-pound bag of rust cleaners in the pantry.
If you cut a potato in half and dip it in a little bit of dish soap or baking soda, it’ll scrub rust right off. After a while, your potato surface might get a bit grimy, but you can just slice off the surface area, re-dip, and keep going.
Note: your dad will still try to find a way to use the potatoes in cooking afterwards, probably on the grill. Do not let him.